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Aviation & Space

In MAPFRE Global Risks, we respond to the risk related needs of the large Aviation and Space companies. The global solutions that we offer encompass the covers required to protect the overall business of our clients in the event of a claim. Apart from those covers specifically related to the Aviation or Space activity, we also provide the other covers needed to complete the programme, such as liability and property damage.

Our experience in this field enables us to offer completely personalized and specialized measures to provide fast and effective solutions for all specific Aviation or Space risks. The products and services in our portfolio are aligned to our clients’ needs, whether they be airlines, manufacturers of aerospace products, airport operators, handling agents, general aviation, executive aircraft or satellite operators.

Our broad knowledge on these types of risk and the relationships of commitment and confidence that we build with our clients are two very positive aspects.

We are active members of the Global Aerospace Underwriting Managers Pool, a leading supplier of aviation and space insurances since 1920 with a worldwide client portfolio and the International Union of Aerospace Insurers (IUAI), an association that has represented the interests of aerospace and reinsurance insurers for 80 years. The latter is a company specializing in aviation risks and is a leader in the international market. These types of collaboration help us to increase both our presence in and our vision of the world aviation market.

MAPFRE Global Risks has a highly qualified team that will respond quickly to attend to the needs of our clients, offering 100 % effective and flexible solutions.