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The Fundación MAPFRE Documentation Center renews its online catalog design

With a much more intuitive and dynamic design, the Fundación MAPFRE Documentation Center’s new website now offers new web elements to help users find documents.

Renewal of its online catalog has brought with it the incorporation of active elements like a “Must-Reads” carousel, which will be periodically updated with the latest articles, and another element called the “Recommended Publication List,” under which a list of documents on current topics will be offered.

As always, the website will also be in English and Portuguese and offer the option of subscribing to its Monthly Newsletter to periodically receive updates on the insurance industry.

If you still are not familiar with it, we encourage you to visit it here.

About the Center

The Fundación MAPFRE Documentation Center is free to use and specializes in information on insurance, risk management, and social protection. It selects, compiles, and disseminates that information in order to contribute to increasing society’s familiarity with these fields.

For any questions on searching through the bibliography, you can contact the center at centrodocumentacion@fundacionmapfre.org

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