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IX Multilatina Company Meeting

This event seeks to analyze the economic and social relations between the European Union and Latin America, focusing on the role of Multilatinas, that is, “companies of Latin American origin. These are present in several countries in the region, and with relevant operations outside the borders of their origin.”

The ninth Multilatina Companies Meeting, organized by the Fundación Iberoamericana Empresarial (Corporate Ibero-American Foundation, IIE), the Secretaría de Estado para Iberoamérica (Ibero-American State General Counsel, SEGIB) and the Secretaría de Estado para Iberoamérica, el Caribe y el español en el Mundo [State General Counsel for Iberoamerica, the Caribbean and Spanish in the World], in collaboration with MAPFRE and other companies with a large presence in the region, took place in the city of Santander, between July 10 and 12.

The opening was led by Trinidad Jiménez, chair of FIE, followed by Ibero-American General Counsel, Andrés Allamand, and José Carlos García de Quevedo, Chairman of the ICO (Instituto de Crédito Oficial [Official Credit Institute]); Santander Mayor Gema Igual also dedicated a few words.

The event program included panels on legal regulations, the economic outlook from different perspectives: from Opportunities and agenda for reforms, energy and networks, European strategic investments in Latin America, to the challenges and opportunities presented in the region with the Senior Economy.

Among the speakers, we highlight Manuel Aguilera, General Manager of MAPFRE Economics. In his interventions, he offered an analysis of the history of the official figures of the region that allowed him to conclude: “All economies in Latin America will show growth in 2024, except Argentina, but this will remain well below its potential. This situation does not respond to a situational phenomenon. In the 1950s, the rate was 5.5%, 2.7% in the next 20 years, and 1.6% in the last decades. Therefore, this is a process of structural weakening.”

You can learn more about the meeting in the article signed by Daniel Badía under “The big challenges facing Latin America”

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