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“Insurers must be more responsive to change in renewable energy sector”

Alberto Mengotti, Head of Power for the Energy and Construction business area at MAPFRE Global Risks, contributed an article for the newspaper Insurance Day: “Insurers must be more responsive to change in renewable energy sector”

Along with advances in technology, consolidation and the emergence of new maintenance models in the renewables sector comes a more complex set of risks, which require different insurance solutions.

Alberto Mengotti, Head of Power at MAPFRE Global Risks, explains in this article published by Insurance Day the different changes that are being developed in this industry and the challenges and opportunities they represent for the insurance sector, which finds itself in the need to be responsive to the rapid evolution of the sector, always working in partnership with clients to understand the scale and complexity of the new risks.

Access the complete article: https://insuranceday.maritimeintelligence.informa.com/ID055581/Insurers-must-be-more-responsive-to-change-in-the-renewable-energy-sector

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