
Despite the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we’d like to inform you that MAPFRE Global Risks is prepared to manage this crisis and guarantee the fulfillment of its commitments.

To this end, we have provided our personnel with the necessary resources, and until new measures are implemented by the authorities, MAPFRE Global Risks will be fully operational and available to its clients and collaborators online.

MAPFRE Global Risks has an AENOR-certified Business Continuity Management System. The benefits of the certified management system include providing a framework for increasing the resilience of the organization in the event of any crisis situation, including the one that we are currently experiencing, making it possible to respond effectively, safeguarding the interests of the primary stakeholders, as well as their main processes and critical activities.

We apologize for any inconvenience this situation may cause, and all of us at MAPFRE Global Risks hope that this situation is resolved as quickly as possible.

Sincerely yours,
MAPFRE Global Risks

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