Interview with Alejandro Reyes, Director of Corporate Control, SK SIGDO KOPPERS
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Paola Serrano, Director of Aviation and Transport of MAPFRE Global Risks comments on the keys to a satellite insurance program and the trends of this market
Coinciding with the successful launch of Paz, the Spanish satellite in whose insurance program MAPFRE Global Risks actively participated, Paola...

The German branch of MAPFRE Global Risks participates in the MARSH Forum
It is a benchmark event within industrial insurance, and it is the perfect platform to meet all brokers, regional and general directors of Marsh...

MAPFRE Global Risks boosts UK Engineering capability
MAPFRE GLOBAL RISKS BOOSTS UK ENGINEERING CAPABILITY Technical specialist María Teresa Queralt transferred from MGR Madrid to London to coordinate...

The French branch of MAPFRE Global Risks takes part in the 26 edition of AMRAE, the most important trade fair in the French market of our industry
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“Insurers must be more responsive to change in renewable energy sector”
Alberto Mengotti, Head of Power for the Energy and Construction business area at MAPFRE Global Risks, contributed an article for the newspaper...