Underwater tunnels: applications and maintenance
"The first infrastructures of this type were built at the end of the 19th century, and at present there are nearly 200 underwater tunnels built...

MAPFRE is one of the most socially committed companies acting against covid-19
MAPFRE leads the insurance sector ranking against the pandemic MAPFRE is among the 20 companies that are showing the greatest levels of commitment...

“Private insurance and public insurance are not separated by a wall; on the contrary, they are in the same boat”
Interview with Alejandro Izuzquiza Ibánez de Aldecoa, Director of Operations at the Insurance Compensation Consortium (ICC) In recent months, the...

The contributions from MAPFRE in the fight against coronavirus add up to more than 200 million euros
This figure is boosted by an increase in protection for SMEs and the self-employed (up to 60 million euros), and by measures to maintain provider...

“Appraisers need to create trust with each party in an appraisal. This is only achieved by being transparent and informative.” Addvalora Global...

Why insurance industry balance sheets better withstand these crises
High volatility and falling asset valuations in financial markets can have a significant impact on insurance companies’ balance sheets. These...