Interview with Dante Arrigoni, president of ASIMET: ” The pandemic will only foster the emergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”
When the COVID-19 health and social crisis broke out, Chile’s metalworking industry was in the midst of a necessary transition to Industry 4.0....

MAPFRE Economics forecasts a 4.5% upturn in the global economy in 2021
It also believes that there will be a return to normal midway through this year's third quarter, and that, overall, the world will recover what it...

Construction Industry Outlook in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Zaida Ruiz, head of Construction and Assembly Underwriting at MAPFRE Global Risks, analyzes the situation and outlook of the infrastructure sector...

Interview with Carlos Malamud: “The Relationship Between Spain and Latin America is Increasingly a Two-way Street. “
Carlos Malamud is a principal researcher at the Elcano Royal Institute and professor of American History at the National Distance Education...

“The new Natural Gas Act aims to establish a more open, dynamic, and competitive market that could drive development of projects and lower the price of natural gas”
Interview with Pablo Ferragut, head of the Sustainable Management and Natural Gas Area at ARPEL The natural gas market in Latin America has a secret...

The Latest Technologies for the Aerospace Industry of the Future
The aerospace industry has constantly evolved hand in hand with technological developments, allowing it to improve its competitiveness and research...