Actualidad Aseguradora Interviews Bosco Francoy

Actualidad Aseguradora Interviews Bosco Francoy

Bosco Francoy, CEO of MAPFRE Global Risks, answers questions about the company’s new expansion in Europe and North America, offering insurance solutions to large corporations, with a focus on the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America. INESE has launched a special...

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MAPFRE Global Risks interviews Luis Fernando Longo

MAPFRE Global Risks interviews Luis Fernando Longo

We took advantage of the visit from Luis Fernando Longo, Corporate Director of Risks and Insurance at Carvajal, to MAPFRE Global Risks to ask about the adaptations and challenges imposed by the management of the Major Risks by the company which is present in multiple...

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How is the world protected from natural disasters?

How is the world protected from natural disasters?

Extreme catastrophic events, intensified by climate change, represent a growing threat to communities around the world. Some countries, such as Japan, have developed innovative solutions that pave the way for a safer and more resilient future. Earthquakes, hurricanes,...

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So what do we do with all this renewable energy?

So what do we do with all this renewable energy?

As our society depended for so long on nonrenewable energies, the climate emergency finally accelerated an energy revolution. The challenge today is how to store and optimize renewable energy we generate so we can get the most out of them. Once upon a time, there was...

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First edition of GR Excellence: Colombia

First edition of GR Excellence: Colombia

MAPFRE Global Risks recently hosted risk managers from the largest companies in Colombia. This meeting gave visitors the chance to learn more about the company's different areas, the work done by the various teams and the importance of cybersecurity and AI in the...

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