Drones and satellites: assessment of damages in affected areas

Drones and satellites: assessment of damages in affected areas

Remote observation technologies are basic tools used to collect accurate information in real time. The combination of different technological elements facilitates the efficient coordination of rescues and the provision of assistance, as well as making it possible to...

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A look at Europe’s largest underwater tunnel

A look at Europe’s largest underwater tunnel

At almost 20 kilometers long, the Fehmarnbelt Link will connect Denmark and Germany directly through the strait of the same name. The tunnel will connect both countries through an innovative project that will mark a milestone in global engineering and improve European...

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How are we coping with water scarcity?

How are we coping with water scarcity?

Water is the essence of life on our planet, but it’s also a fundamental asset in the economic development and social well-being of countries. As an essential daily resource, addressing its scarcity during shortages is a top priority for governments. As reflected in...

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