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General Terms of Use

Through these Terms of Use you regulate access and use of this website (hereinafter, the user).

When using or accessing the website, the user manifests that he/she has read and understood these Terms of Use, and has the obligation to comply indefinitely.

The Entity, reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or eliminate parts of the present Terms of Use at any time and without previous notice, by publishing the new Terms of Use in the website. If the user continues using the website once the modifications have been implemented, the user has accepted the Terms of Use implicitly. If the user does not accept compliance of these or future Terms of Use, the user should not use the website or access its content. The user is responsible for visiting the website on a regular basis to determine if the present Terms of Use have been modified and consult said modifications.

Access to the website is prohibited from countries where its content may be illegal. If the user accesses the website from a location different from where it is operated and administered, the user will be responsible for compliance of the local legislation, if applicable.

This website has implemented security measures to guarantee its confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information published.

This website is exclusively for users who have full legal capacity, based on age, to accept the provisions in these Terms of Use, and have the obligation to comply.

Registration in the website its use or access to it is not authorized for users that do not have full legal capacity, which constitutes an infraction of the present Terms of Use.

In the event that the user wishes to calculate a rate. he/she should understand and accept the specified Terms of Use, that can also be found published in the Rater/Calculator.
The information contained in this website is provided by the Entity only for information purposes and is not to be used for other purposes. The user that utilizes any information that the Entity makes available to him/her by way of this medium, does so under his/her responsibility.

The information that may be provided through this website, personalized or not, is only for the user’s general understanding. This information is not meant to be used as a substitution for professional opinions in any of the areas that apply (medical, fiscal, legal, etc.).

If registration in the website is required, the user should take the following into account:

  • Will supply correct information about oneself when requested by way of any of the registration forms in the website (“registration area”)
  • Will secure username and identification
  • Will periodically maintain and update the registration information and any other information supplied by the Entity to keep it updated
  • Will be responsible for all account usage, as well as any action that takes place by using the website

In the case that the website provides tools for the purpose of controlling the degree of privacy of published user information, the strictest degree of privacy will be established by default in the website.

The user understands that the website is exclusively for personal use and not commercial. The user declares, guarantees and accepts that none of the materials sent by means of his/her account or that he/she publishes, transfers, or shares through the website will infringe the rights of any third-party, including copyright, branding, privacy, advertising or other individual or corporate rights; and will not include any content that is degrading, libelous, violent, pornographic or illegal.

The Entity reserves the right to eliminate this content and even remove the user that infringes this conduct.

Additionally, the user expressly accepts that he/she will not use the website for the following purposes:

  • Make insulting or libelous remarks about the Entity, its management, employees or about its products and/or services.
  • Compile email addresses or other contact information of other users by means of the website by electronic means or other means in order to send unsolicited emails
  • Take control of email addresses, or other means of electronic communication or intercept user telecommunications in order to uncover the secrets or violate the privacy of other users.
  • Violate security measures established by the Entity in the website or part of the website, or remain inside the website against the Entity’s lawful will.
  • Perform all types of invasive actions without accessing the address directly and/or the private domain of the rest of the users in the website due to fear of mechanical, electronic or other instruments such as, the use of Webcams, for example
  • Use the website in an illegal manner or in a way that can damage, disable, overload or jeopardize the website
  • Use automatized command scripts to collect information through the website or to interact any other way with them
  • Publish, transmit, share or provide any content that is considered harmful, threatening, illegal, libelous, injurious, offensive, calumnious, infringing, abusive, incendiary, harassing, vulgar, obscene, fraudulent, or execute any action that interferes with or that violates the right to privacy, honor and self-image, that is malicious or questionable for reasons of race, ethnicity, religion or anything else.
  • Register more than one user account, register a user account in the name of another person or register a user account in the name of a group or entity.
  • Impersonate another person or entity, make false remarks or provide false information about the user, his/her age or his/her relationship with any individual or entity.
  • Publish, transfer, share, provide unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, illegal offers, promotional materials, “junk mail” “spam”, “chain letters”, or any other type of illegal communication.
  • Publish, transfer, share or provide on the website personal data regarding any third-person without his/her previous authorization and, especially protected data such as that related to ideology, labor union affiliation, religion, beliefs, racial origin, health and sex life of other identified or identifiable individuals, regardless of them belonging to other users of the website or to persons unrelated to them.
  • Request passwords or personal data for illegal or commercial purposes.
  • Intimidate or harass other users of the website
  • Publish, transfer, share or provide content that constitutes, incites or provides instructions to commit crimes, that infringe the rights of a third-party, give rise to responsibilities or violate any local, national, or international Law.
  • Use or try to use the account , service or system or another person without previous authorization from the Entity, or create a false identity to use the Service or the website
  • Load, publish, transfer, share, store or provide content that in the opinion of the Entity is questionable or restricts or prevents the use or enjoyment of the website by other persons, or that can expose the Entity or its users to damage or responsibility of any type.
  • Delete, manipulate or any other way alter the “copyright” and other identifying information of the reservation of rights of the Entity or its holders, or fingerprints or any other established technical recognition media
The contents could include inaccuracies or typographic errors. The Entity does not guarantee accuracy or completeness and does not guarantee reliability of background, opinions, declarations or other information displayed or distributed in the website.

From the moment you visit the website you acknowledge any background, opinion, declaration, memorandum or information within it, and you do this at your own risk.

MAPFRE reserves the right to correct errors or omissions in the website, or make any other changes without notice

Consult the Privacy Policy of the website.

Exclusive rights on website Content

All of the website Content is the exclusive property of the Entity.

No part of the website Content could be modified, copied, distributed, framed, reproduced, downloaded, displayed, published, transmitted or sold in any way or through any medium, completely or partially, without previous written consent from the Entity.

As long as the user is legally authorized to use the website, the Entity grants the user limited license to use and access the website and the website Content and to download or print a copy of any part of the website Content to which the user has gained access legally and only for personal and non-commercial use, and as long as all copyright and intellectual property warnings remain intact. Any other use of the website Content is strictly prohibited. This license abides by the present Terms of Use and does not include the use of data collection or extraction methods (data mining, robots or similar).

The use of the website or website Content in a way that is different from what is authorized in the present Terms of Use, without previous written consent from the Entity, is strictly prohibited and will revoke the license granted by virtue of the present Terms of Use. Furthermore, unauthorized use constitutes a violation of the applicable legislation, including Laws on branding and copyright, and applicable rules and regulations in communications matters. Unless otherwise indicated in the present Terms of Use, none of the provisions should be interpreted as granting an intellectual property right license by legal impediment, implicitly or any other form. This license could be revoked at any time and without previous notice, with or without a cause.

User content published in the website

The user will be entirely responsible for his/her profiles, messages, notes, texts, information, lists and other content that the user loads, publishes or displays in the website or through it, or that transfers to other users or shares with other users (jointly the “User Content”).

For this purpose, it is understood that user content is all original literary, artistic or scientific creations expressed through any medium, whether tangible or intangible, presently known or which can be invented in the future.

All information that the user publishes with regard to his/her experience with MAPFRE, comments, suggestions, ideas, graphics or any other information, could be considered by MAPFRE as public from the moment it is received and therefore, use it in our website for the purposes that MAPFRE considers pertinent. MAPFRE could use this information for any purpose, without it causing the user to receive compensation. MAPFRE will not in any case be responsible for the use of this information in the website.

The Entity reserves the right to investigate and register as many times as the Entity considers necessary in order to certify compliance of the current legislation, always guaranteeing due respect to dignity and privacy of the user.

The user accepts that the Entity could eliminate or delete (without previous notice) the Content that, in the opinion of the Entity, infringes the present Terms of Use.

If a user deregisters from the website and has published comments in it, said comments will not be eliminated but they will not appear signed by the user and instead will appear with a numeric code in its place.

When publishing Content in the website, the user authorizes the Entity to make copies of the content or part of it that the Entity considers necessary to facilitate the publication and the storage of the user Content in the website. When publishing user Content in any part of the website the entire exploitation rights of the user Content published in the website for public, private, commercial, advertising, promotional or any other type is transmitted automatically to the Entity.

The mentioned rights will constitute:

  • The right to use, copy, extract, place, reproduce, and obtain complete or partial copies of the content through any procedure and/or medium, tangible or intangible.
  • The right to transform the Content: translation, dubbing, adaptation, changes, adjustments and modifications.
  • The right to exploit through the distribution by means of sale, lease, loan, or through any other form, for public or private use; or public communication of the Content, including by way of example and not limited to, projection or exhibition of public cinematography, not cinematographic, televised exploitation, in Internet, cell phone, or any other existing technology or in development.
  • The right to store, edit, modify, publish, include in a database, transfer, visualize or represent the Content.
  • The right to grant licenses to third-parties for the execution of any other the previously mentioned actions.
  • The right to prepare work derived from said user Content or include it in other jobs.
    The user recognizes the exploitation rights of the Entity over total or part of the content, without the need to obtain the approval or authorization from the user or pay any compensation for said exploitation of the user Content.

The user, will be held liable by the Entity with respect to the pacific exercise of the rights referred to, for which he/she declares to be the sole and exclusive holder in full ownership and without limitations, or otherwise having collected the necessary and pertinent authorizations for the transfer of those rights to the Entity under the terms previously provided, and manifesting at the same time, that the user has not contracted nor will contract commitments or encumbrances of any kind over said rights that could affect said assignment.

In this respect, the user assumes responsibility before the Entity of all pecuniary charges that could be derived for this in favor of third-parties with the purpose of actions, claims, or conflicts derived from incompliance of the referred to obligations undertaken in virtue of the present Terms of Use.

Third-party websites and content

The website contains (or possibly the user receives it through this means) links to other Websites (third-party websites). The Entity does not check, verify, or control the accuracy, adaptation or inclusiveness of such third-party websites and is not responsible, under any circumstance, for third-party websites which will be accessed through the website nor third-party Applications, Software or Content that is published in the website, those which can be accessed through the website or that are installed from the website, including what concerns content, accuracy, being offensive, opinions, reliability, Privacy Policy, or the other third-party website policies on privacy, Applications, Software or Content.

Unless otherwise indicated, providing a link to a third-party website does not mean that the Entity, approves, authorizes or sponsors that website in particular, nor its products, services or information it offers, nor that MAPFRE has a relationship with the owners of this third-party website.

If the user decides to visit the links of the third-party websites, he/she should accept the risk and take protective steps against virus or other destructive elements.

The user is solely responsible for interactions with other users of the website. The Entity reserves the right to handle any conflicts between users.


The user recognizes and accepts that the use of the website could be moderated by the Entity in a way that the Entity considers appropriate, with the purpose of revising the published Content in the website as well as address the complaints and claims of other users, require the perpetrators to delete the Content or delete the mentioned content directly.

Exclusion of responsibility

The Entity is not responsible for any user Content, Application or third-party content published in the website or related to the website, regardless of the content having been published or created by users of the website or third-parties. Although there are established regulations relative to the conduct of the users and the publications, the Entity is not responsible for any offensive, inappropriate, obscene, illegal or questionable content that the user could encounter in the website or with regard to any User or Application Content, Software or third-party Content. The Entity is not responsible for the conduct, online or offline, of any website user.

Occasionally, the website may not be available temporarily for maintenance reasons or other causes. The Entity does not assume any type of responsibility due to errors, omissions, interruptions, eliminations, defects, functionality or transmission delays, failure of the communication lines or variations of the User’s communications.

The Entity reserves the right to analyze access of the website by the users, and in case a suspicious action is detected, take action or analyze more specifically.

The Entity reserves the right to make as many modifications, variations, deletions or cancellations in the content and their form of presentation, software and other elements used or included in the website, as well as any services and applications offered through the website that are considered necessary, temporary or permanent and without previous notice, and the user should ensure that he/she is using the current version at all times. This authority does not grant the users right to receive compensation for damages.

The references to products, services, processes or other information through brand names, branding, manufacturers, providers or others, do not constitute or imply that the Entity approves, sponsors or recommends such products, services, processes or information, or have any relationship with them.

The Entity could cancel the membership, eliminate his/her profile and any content or information that the user has published in the website.