Come to the main meeting point of Global Risk Management


Welcome to the XXIX MAPFRE Global Risks International Seminars, the epicenter of Global Risk Management. This annual event brings together leading international speakers and experts to explore the latest trends and challenges across industries. From high-level lectures to exciting social events and a firefighting competition, these workshops offer a unique experience. See you in Málaga!
How can I attend the Seminars?
The Seminars are private events for which a personalized invitation is required and is provided via e-mail.
What is covered in the seminars?
The Seminars cover the cost of attending all the presentations and social events organized: Welcome Cocktail Reception, Gala Dinner, and Farewell Cocktail Reception.
Can companions attend?
No. There is no companions program nor are they permitted to attend the agenda of social events.
Why won’t it let me register?
This incident may be due to the fact that the email used for registration does not match the email you received the invitation. It is important to use the same email address to be able to access. If you are still unable to register, please contact
What is the deadline for registration?
The deadline for registration is April 19.
Can I change my accommodation and transfer?
To modify this type of requirement, please contact
Who should I contact if I have a different problem?
You can contact us at where they will be able to help you with your issue.