Risk underwriter: What do you know about it?

Risk underwriter: What do you know about it?

There is a professional tasked with assessing insurance risks, striving to find a delicate balance between meeting the client’s needs and ensuring the profitability of the business. This role, known as the risk underwriter, is gaining prominence in the digital...

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Top 10 of the most viewed (or “can’t miss”) articles

Top 10 of the most viewed (or “can’t miss”) articles

We’re starting the new year with the aim of continuing to offer what matters most to you. For this reason, we have created a ranking with the ten most visited entries of 2023. Thank you for always being there and a welcome to those of you who’ve just arrived! We start...

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How does war insurance work?

How does war insurance work?

Within the context of the war between Russia and Ukraine, our colleague Javier Caamaño Malagón wondered how insurance works in a warlike situation. To understand today, he takes an insightful journey through history. We found two interesting articles published by...

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How is insurtech evolving in Latin America?

How is insurtech evolving in Latin America?

Insurtech companies put technology and innovation to use in the insurance industry. Our colleague Ángela Puga García recently published an article on MAPFRE about these companies in Latin America during 2023. Here, we want to feature the article The status of Latin...

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Applying Risk Management in SMEs

Applying Risk Management in SMEs

As we have already seen in the article published last November 21st on the 34th AGERS Congress, in addition to keynote lectures such as Pablo Trueba (Marsh) and panel discussions, four workshops also took place simultaneously. Our expert engineer at MAPFRE Global...

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Journey to a sustainable future: supply chains

Journey to a sustainable future: supply chains

The energy transition is changing the paradigms of supply chains around the world. From the restructuring of energy models to readjustments in logistics strategies, this evolution poses major challenges and opportunities for the sector. This revolution is shaping the...

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Honduras: economic and trade prospects

Honduras: economic and trade prospects

Honduras is immersed in an action plan to promote sustainable economic growth that positively impacts its commitments to citizens, the improvement of strategic infrastructure and the increase of resilience to climate change. The region’s economic development suffered...

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Semiconductors: The Pathway of Digital Transformation

Semiconductors: The Pathway of Digital Transformation

Its common name hides components that are essential to the development of technologies that are changing the course of history. As global powers struggle to bring the industry into their territory, Panama has the infrastructure to become a benchmark in the market....

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